Recovery Programs
St. Christopher has been the home to AA and Al-NON for a number of years. The church provides access to our parish hall, kitchen, meeting rooms and other facilities as deemed necessary.
Meal for the Home-Bound
Hospitality Committee prepares and delivers meals to families in distress due to illness or death.
Our Ministries
St. Christopher provides services and care for members of the community and members of the parish. Strong lay leadership enables us to support ministries in the community and to provide donations to the diocese to support state and world relief efforts. Our parishioners lead or volunteer in many local ministries.

Food Banks (Manna Meal, Heart in Hand, Dunbar – Institute Samaritan Food Pantry, Covenant House)
Food is collected and delivered to these various locations on rotation. In addition to the designation of the general offering of food for the food banks, volunteers assist with the distribution of food on site.
Mary Snow Westside Elementary
Our members gather monthly to prepare and deliver the back packs to MSWE.
West Side Middle School
Members provided Christmas presents for a list of students provided by the WMS Administration.

West Side Middle School Faculty and Staff Luncheon
The Fellowship Committee supported the school during summer training by providing lunch.

Library Book Exchange
A book library for elementary age children
Soccer for Middle School Students
Financial support is provided philanthropically for soccer training for those interested at the Football Factory.
We prepare back packs for parishioners to handout to the homeless.
Prescription Bottles
Empty bottles are collected, labels are removed and bottles are packaged and shipped to Matthew 25 - an organization that provides medication for those that cannot afford it.
Gabriel Project
Our members bring diapers that are delivered to the Gabriel Project. This ministry assists families in need.
Ukraine War Relief
Funds are collected in the general offering during Holy Week and during the Christmas wreath sale and sent to the Ukraine War Relief.
Armstrong Scholarship Fund
The Stuart & Lucille Armstrong is awarded to an applicant annually.
Exchange Students
Parishioner who are host families encourage exchange students to participate and become a part of our parish family.
Peterkin Youth Camp
St. Christopher provides funds for interested youth to attend.
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
Our annual pancake supper allows us the opportunity to share food and fun with family, friends and the community.
Spaghetti Dinner and Pasta Dinner
Funds raised are sent to the Paul Lawerence Dunbar Center.

Paul Lawrence Dunbar After School Program
The Paul Lawrence Dunbar Center is a site where students assemble after school for tutoring, a meal, and recreation. Volunteers from St. Christopher provide time, talent and resources.
Mailing Address
821 Edgewood Dr, Charleston, WV 25302
Phone: (304) 342-3272
Email: stchristopheradmin@stchristopherwv.com
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GPS Address
821 Somerset Dr, Charleston, WV 25302
Office Hours
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 9:00 am - 2:30 pm